Ummm. Has it REALLY been nearly TWO years since I last posted!?
Kara Mavar
Wow! Everything everyone told me about time flying once you have a kid is absolutely true! Time is completely distorted now. So backing up…. I had a kid! Well, technically I had a baby but he’s totally a kid now- almost 14 months and he’s huge and walking around and getting into everything! This change has obviously affected my business but not in a negative way. I have learned to be very deliberate in how I plan my day. This is huge accomplishment coming from a very unorganized person. I’m always amazed at just how much I can get done in 2 hour increments aka “Clark’s nap times”. Yeah, I don't do the nap thing that everyone recommended (“nap when he naps”). Now, I will be completely honest and let you all know that I was blessed with a VERY easy baby who slept through the night pretty early on and takes two 2 hour naps a day although that might be changing here soon. So, I can survive without napping since I get decent (mind you, not great) sleep at night. I know that that is not the case for many people. Because I have had orders to get out since when we first brought Clark home, I have been very consistent with putting Clark down for a nap at the same times each day (roughly). I can get other tasks accomplished throughout the day as well as long as I am deliberate with my time and make a point to do so. My day starts pretty early with changing Clark and then getting him breakfast. While he’s happily chowing down on his blueberries or strawberries I can usually reply to a few emails or make a social media post or maybe print off a few labels (from the kitchen table where my computer is now located). Then we play until naptime which is when I can work on making pieces for orders. I use the second naptime to package them up and do anything else I may need to do for the day. Some days I have to use my coveted “nap-times” to do other important grown up things like showering and cleaning the house— haha! All that to say, things are going great! Differently, but still great! Thank you so much for being patient with me these past couple years as I have adjusted to this new phase in life. Next year marks 10 years in business and I have some awesome things planned. One of the main things I am focusing on right now is RECONNECTING with all of you through eNews and social media. I feel like I did lose a bit of that connection during this new adjustment phase. I hired someone to help with my newsletter and I have some exciting things planned to share with you! If that sounds good to you, you can sign up here. Looking forward to reconnecting with you!
One Year Photo by “Holden Onto A Moment” Photography