Meet Oliver...
Kara Mavar
This is Oliver. He has been a part of our family for close to nine years now. He has a cool, calm personality but he is also tough enough to put our Rottweiler in his place. He often will sit on a table and bat the dog on the head as he walks by. Just because. He has always been an in-door cat but is quite the escape artist. Since we have a dog, we are constantly going out the back door and Oliver always darts out behind us. Normally he enjoys rolling around on the pavement or smelling the air. This past Friday night, he darted out and disappeared out of my sight (it was dark). I went back inside with every intention of luring him back with treats but I got distracted and forgot about him (I'm a terrible fur mom sometimes). The next morning I realized what had happened and went out looking for him. No luck. I went about my day (worried) hoping that he would return. I went out again in the evening and finally found him in some shrubs between our garage and the fence. I carried him inside and tried to tend to him but he only seemed interested in loving on me and our dog! After snuggles (and lots of purring!) he finally ate and drank some water. He was overheated and traumatized but he is back to his old self again. I am so thankful he survived his first night-long out-door adventure! This family wouldn't be the same without him!