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1320 Hampton Avenue Ext., Unit 608
Greenville SC

Handcrafted jewelry made in Greenville, S.C. Working from her home studio, Kara Mavar creates unique pieces using sterling silver, 14K gold fill, brass, copper and aluminum wire. She also incorporates natural stones, leather and other unique pieces into many of her designs. Kara specializes in the cold-connection technique of wire-wrapping. She has a background as an art student which helps her create jewelry designs that are well balanced and visually pleasing. Each piece that Kara creates is skillfully crafted with the utmost attention to detail.

Upcoming Events

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Browse & Stroll Art on the Trail

  • Main St. Traveler's Rest, SC (map)
Earlier Event: April 12
New Collection Release (online)
Later Event: April 26
Artist Next Door Art Show